Prof. Aidi Huo, Chang'an University, China
霍艾迪,教授,博导。主要从事水利信息化,旱区土壤侵蚀,水文生态,地质灾害,流域水文模型及气候变化下极端水文事件等方面的研究。先后主持了国家自然科学基金重大项目—黄土高原重大工程灾变机理与防控子课题、国家自然科学基金面上项自—黄土水力侵蚀与滑坡互情机制及其风险预警、可持续发展国际合作科学计划(Sustainable Development International Cooperation Program,以下简称“科学计划”或“SDIC”)项目及陕西省重点研发计划等国家和省部级各类科研项目30余项。公开出版学术专著与教材2部,以第一作者/通讯作者发表学术论文100余篇,其中SCI收录80余篇,高被引1篇,热点2篇。获陕西省大型科学仪器设备共享及陕西省农业科技共享云服务先进个人等奖4项。是15项国家发明和实用专利的第一发明人,同时拥有1项PCT国际专利和2项软件著作权。现为国际水文科学协会会员、陕西省生态学会理事、陕西省农科特派员专家服务平台(农科114)联席会理事、Water Resources Management等10余种国际期刊特邀审稿人及Environmental Technolory&Innovation(ETI)等多个国际SCI期刊客座编辑。
Aidi Huo is a professor and doctoral supervisor. His primary research areas include water conservancy informatization, soil erosion in arid areas, hydrological ecology, geological disasters, watershed hydrological models, and extreme hydrological events under climate change. He has led over 30 national and provincial-level research projects, including major projects of the National Natural Science Foundation, such as the sub-project on the mechanism and prevention of major engineering disasters in the Loess Plateau, a general project on the mutual mechanism and risk warning of hydraulic erosion and landslides in loess areas, and the Sustainable Development International Cooperation Program (SDIC) project, as well as the Shaanxi Provincial Key R&D Program. He has published two academic monographs and textbooks and authored over 100 academic papers as the first or corresponding author. Among these, more than 80 papers are indexed by SCI, including one highly cited and two hot papers. He has received four awards, including the Shaanxi Large Scientific Instrument and Equipment Sharing Award and the Shaanxi Agricultural Science and Technology Sharing Cloud Service Advanced Individual Award. Huoaidi is the principal inventor of 15 national invention and utility model patents, holds one PCT international patent, and has two software copyrights. He is a member of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences, a board member of the Shaanxi Ecological Society, a council member of Shaanxi Province's Agricultural Science and Technology Missionary Expert Service Platform (Agro-Tech 114), and a guest reviewer for more than 10 international journals, including Water Resources Management, as well as a guest editor for several international SCI journals, such as Environmental Technology & Innovation (ETI).